Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The role of market research is to find out who are your customers and what your customers want. When your doing your customers research you can record things that you see or hear from other people. If your running a electronics business you don't want to stock up on what people don't buy at all because they would have no reason to come to your store. Or if you hear people come up to the desk asking if you have a certain product but you don't have it in supply and its at a high demand then maybe you should order more of that item and cut down on some other item that is not selling atlot at that moment. Another example where market research would come in is what times your customers like to shop. You may want to have certain deals on certain days and maybe more customers will come on that particular day. Almost all aspects on what is sold in a store or resturant is based off the companys market research.

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