Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapter 3 Diagram

       I have chosen the Internet Business because I belive that alot of people are doing it or tryig to get in to it. People would like this type of business because it will be easier and less travel to go to work because it will be on the internet. This type of business is also good and bad. The reasons why this would be bad is because people have the potential to hack almost everything. If you have your credit card information saved online people can obtain if not secured properly. Their are scammers out their that are good at what they do. This type of business is good because it's basically no travel required, which means you save on gas. Some of the other benefits would be that you can promote ads on other peoples website. By doing this you can get some type of publicity on the internet, so you can sell whatever you are selling or the services that you are providing.

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