Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Note Cards(gettin to the money)

Reflection on Chapter 1

I have learned alot from chapter 1. Some of the things that i have learned is about entrepreneualship. Ive learned how the economy can effect your business how employees can effect your business. Ive also learned about how different things can lead to your businesses success or downfall. If you don't have a plan with your business then your work is just going to fall apart. Setting up a good infrastructure will be your best bet for your business. Once you have a firm infrastructure then you can build opon it. Theses five key components would be the opportunity, resources, organization, infrastructure and entrepreneur. With these key components and worthy employees you can have one of the best businesses out there.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Gettin to the Money

Directions: The objective of the game is to roll a dice, Once you roll the dice pick a card from the deck. The only numbers that you can land on are 1 and 2.

The objective of the game is to get to the top. To work your way to entrepreneurship you must answer work your way through a obstacle of questions. You need to be able to answer the questions, if you answer the questions incorrect something bad happens to your chances of getting to the top. If you answer 3 questions wrong, your chances of closer gets farther away (must move back a space). The bonus boxes are things that may happen to your business due to the effect of the economy on your way to entrepreneurship  it may be good or bad depending on what card is pulled.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Business Logo

The Logo represents the image of my business.
I chose this logo because I thought it would be the best image to promote my business.
The purpose and design for my logo is that it shows food and so that people will know that we sell food.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Start Your Own Business

Troy Lawrence
August, 8th, 2011
Entrepreneurial Ventures
Troy Lawrence
Start Your Own Business

If I could start any business I would open a restaurant. I open a restaurant so I can make and sell different type of foods. I think this would be a good investment because if you have the money and the cooking skills it can be of profit. The reason that I would like to start this business is because I find it fun/interesting to cook for people. I would have a lot of different things on the menu. We would also have takeout if people don’t want to stay and eat. If my business became up and running I would name it the Troy’s Buffet. There’s not really much meaning behind my name except it’s a buffet and it has my name in it. The food that will be on in the stands will probably be things like, chicken, steak, rice, a station for vegetables, ice cream, hot dogs, fish, and snacks. There will also be a stand for little kids. These products are related to my business because this is what people will be eating at my restaurant. This restaurant is probably going to be located college park. The significance about this location is that there’s going to be black people and they WILL be hungry. More detail about this restaurant is that it will be a little classy, not very. It is a buffet and will carry a different variety of foods.