Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chapter 8 Reflection

Chapter 8 taught me alot about patent, trademarks and copyright. It shoed me that if you have an invention that you should get a patent on it A.S.A.P because someone else can take your idea/invention.  This lesson also introduced to me logos of different companies and how they get to keep their logo without anyone else taking it. When these companies get their logo they would get it trademarked so that no one else can steal it. Also when music artist create a beat or a new track they have to get that specific content copyrighted, or the same thing can happen with their logo it can be stolen. While these companies, artists, and inventors have these protections, no one can steal their logo,invention or idea. If anyone does try to steal one of these they can be sued and tried in a court of law.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Big Idea Series #1

        All of the entrepreneurs in the video all knew what they wanted. They all knew what they were starting their business for. Everything company and product sold was something that wasn't in their lifestyle or wanted to make it better. All of the entrepreneurs had a natural talent for what they accomplished, diddy loved music so in that industry he wanted to keep moving forward in it. And for the others they discovered or made things that other people may like and benefit off.
        Some of the disadvantages of being an young enrepreneur is that you really can't do much. You can't go out and rent your own space for your business its really more home/internet based. Some of the other disadvantages is that if your under 18 the money doesn't directly go toward you but your parents, therefore you can't use it the way you may want to. Other disadvantages of being a young entrepreneur is that you may not have all the necessary tools required to complete every task, but you make do with what you have.
         The series I found most intereresting would have to be Series #4 Cameron Johnson. This is my favorite series because this was a kid who started looking and finding ways to make money. By the time he was 12 years old he was making 50,000 a year by selling beani babies. As he got older he started to open another business called MyEZmail.com and MyEZshop.com in 97 and 98, in which he was printing cards.